According to O.E.C.D. data, the Middle-East holds 70% of the world's oil reserves
while North America and Europe will run out of oil in 2010 at their current rate
of production. Current technologies might provide alternatives to oil for energy
but not to oil for plastics. In the wake of Vice-President Dick Cheney's 2001
Energy Task Force, is it a coincidence if George Bush targeted Iraq in its so
called "war-on-terror", a country known to possess the second largest oil reserves
in the world? Is it another coincidence if U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Central
Asia are based near Central Asian oil and natural gas? Was invading Iraq and Afghanistan
really meant to reduce terrorist threats against the United States or was it a
ploy to guarantee that the average American can go on for a little while consuming
4 times more energy that the average European or 32 times more energy than the
average African? |